Customer Testimonials

What our Clients are saying about us

Customer Testimonials

Neill Quinn, Design Manager,

Lagan Water Ltd.

“We, Lagan Water, over the past number of years, have subcontracted J K Fabrications to undertake design, fabrication, installation and commissioning works on numerous water and wastewater schemes for N. Ireland Water.

We have found their attention to detail and innovative proposals of great advantage during the design stages, their quality, and punctuality throughout the fabrication and delivery to site stages is second to none and their professionalism and health and safety throughout the installation stages is always a great asset. They maintain agreed budgets and programme dates and in respect of Contractual undertakings, the personnel is easy and a pleasure to work with.”

Jason Adams, Senior Design Engineer,

Laing O’Rourke

“Laing O’Rourke would be happy to work with JK Fabrications in the future. In our experience, they are a good, hardworking outfit, who are easy to deal with and have an excellent attitude towards collaboration.

Pre-Contract, JK Fabrications responded excellently to tender and had a brilliant attitude towards the contract. They provided excellent quality of materials & workmanship throughout the programme.

I would also recommend them for their onsite health and safety along with their pre-construction health, safety, and environmental submissions.”

Customer Testimonials

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